As mainstream denominations see their own outbreaks, Shincheonji members say they were unfairly targeted.
37.5 Public Health
Directives -
14.5 Financial
Response -
88 Fact-Based
South Korea has a relatively strong score, brought down some by its very weak financial policy; its public health score is likely underestimated here, given the data’s limitations to adequately account for the impacts of the country’s advanced contact tracing.
Pre-COVID Conditions
South Korea has average wealth compared to other countries in the Index, but scored strongly in every other subcategory.
- Debt/GDP ratio 37.9%
- GDP/capita $46,452
- Gini coefficient (out of 100) 31.6
- Infant mortality rate (out of 1,000 live births) 3
- Healthcare access score (out of 100) 85.8
- Hospital beds/1,000 People 83.2
Government Response
Select a data point for more information(Data points represent policy level as of Oct 1.)
Public Health Directives
South Korea’s public health policy is relatively weak with limited emergency healthcare spending and a weak stay-at-home policy. Although the data does not adequately capture the strength of its contact tracing and how that helps South Korea overcome many of these shortcomings, its case rate is much higher than those of other countries that have similarly emphasized contact tracing over restriction of movement.
- Stay at home order 1
- Public gathering restrictions 4
- School closings 3
- Public event cancellations 2
- Testing policy 3
- Emergency healthcare investments/capita $71.00
- Travel restrictions 2
- Tests/1,000 people 45
- Contact tracing 2
Financial Response
South Korea’s financial response has been weak, particularly its very minimal level of income support and small stimulus package, although it has recently announced a new round of stimulus spending.
- Financial stimulus as share of GDP 5.4%
- Income support 1
- Debt forebearance 1
Fact-Based Communication
South Korea’s government has mostly not engaged in misinformation, but has not held regular briefings with the press, thus bringing down its score.
- Reliance on science/fact based information 1
- Press freedom 0
COVID-19 Status as of Oct 1
South Korea has consistently strong scores in this category, helped by its extremely low positivity score, suggesting that it is testing a wide range of people, which likely helped it detect new cases quickly and keep its death rate low.
- Total deaths 413
- Death rate per 100K 8.1
- Total cases 23,812
- Cases per 100K 465
- Percent of positive tests 0.8
- Change in positivity rates +0.4
Date | Status | New Cases/1M | |
1 | Jun 08 | Schools fully reopen | 0.87 |
2 | Aug 22 | Large gatherings are banned, night spots and churches are shut down, and fans are removed from sporting events | 5.47 |
3 | Aug 24 | Schools close and go to remote learning | 5.99 |
4 | Sep 20 | Schools reopen in Seoul | 2.23 |
Differentiating Factors
- Privacy sacrificed for public health: Cyberbullying and misinformation has grown after South Korean authorities publicly revealed an individual's personal information to the public after she tested positive for COVID-19. Although some intrusive surveillance measures have been rolled back, privacy concerns have arisen amongst the public. Recently, authorities indicted 13 people for providing false information and lying to epidemidological investigators about their health or places they visited while potentially carrying the virus. Read More
- Government issues fourth stimulus round: South Korea launched an aggressive fiscal response with its fourth round of stimulus adding an additional $6.5 billion. Policymakers state that this approach will continue through next year to combat the lingering economic impacts of the pandemic. Read More
- New outbreak linked to anti-government church: Officials linked Seoul's latest outbreak to the Sarang Jeil Church, which is known for its antigovernment stance. Congregants, many of whom traveled across the country to attend services and political rallies in August, have accused the government of scapegoating Christians as COVID spreaders. Read More
- Doctors strike as cases rise: The Korea Medical Association coordinated a three-day doctors strike, with plans for another in September in solidarity with intern and resident doctors who have been on strike since late August over the government's plans to boost the number of medical students and introduce telemedicine nationwide. Read More
- Contact tracing and distancing limited spread: South Korea is widely praised for its pandemic response, which eschewed a lockdown instead keeping shopping malls and restaurants open by encouraging social distancing and mask-wearing, and implementing an aggressive contact-tracing system which made use of CCTV footage and GPS data from smartphones. Read More
- Increased violence over wearing facemasks: Despite being celebrated as an example of the effectiveness of widespread mask wearing, South Korean police departments have recorded an uptick in violence linked to people refusing to wear masks on public transportation. Bus drivers have been attacked for asking passengers to wear masks, with the majority of perpetrators charged identified as men in their 50s and 60s. Read More
- Limited prevention in nightclubs, churches, and warehouse likely spiked cases: A recent uptick in cases in and around Seoul have been linked primarily to nightclubs, church gatherings, and a single warehouse operated by Korean e-commerce company Coupang, which has been accused of failing to implement preventive measures and forcing sick employees to come to work. Read More
Compared with Other African Countries
39.7China 90,528
Cases 63
Per 1M 4,739
DeathsChina’s aggressive lockdowns played a key role in controlling case and death rates. However, its low score is driven by multiple factors, including the country’s minimal financial response and lack of press freedom and fact-based communications. China’s failure to report testing obscures understanding of actual COVID-19 dynamics within the country.
96.8Japan 83,010
Cases 656
Per 1M 1,564
DeathsJapan has a strong overall score, driven by its generous financial response and a reliance on facts, although its public health policy is very weak.
60.9Taiwan 514
Cases 22
Per 1M 7
DeathsTaiwan has a relatively strong policy score, but its minimal stimulus and weak debt relief bring it down. However, the data does not accurately measure its advanced contact tracing, which may have diminished the need for more restrictions; this likely results in a score that underestimates Taiwan’s response.
Further Reading From Foreign Policy
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Statistics and government response factors available on each country profile include:
Pre-COVID Conditions:
- Debt to GDP ratio
- Infant mortality rates
- Hospital beds per 1,000 people
- Gini coefficients measuring inequality
- Health access and quality
COVID-19 Public Health Directives:
- Stay-at home orders
- School-closing policy
- Public-gathering restrictions
- Cancellation of public events
- Testing policy and rates per 1,000 people
- Emergency healthcare spending per capita
- Travel restrictions
- Contact tracing
COVID-19 Financial Response:
- Stimulus package as a share of GDP
- Income support
- Debt-forbearance
Public Communications:
- Instances of misinformation by leadership
- Limitations on press freedom, censorship
Current/Historic In-Country COVID-19 Status:
- Death rates per 1 million
- Case rates per 1 million